About the Journal


Journal title Jurnal Psikologi Poseidon: Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi dan Psikologi Kemaritiman
Initials JPP
Abbreviation J. Poseidon.
Frequency 2 issues per year
DOI Prefix 10.30649 by Crossref  
Online ISSN 2622-464X
Print ISSN 2622-6863
Editor-in-chief Lutfi Arya (SINTA ID: 5994172)
Publisher Fakultas Psikologi
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | Garuda

Jurnal Psikologi Poseidon invites submission of scientific papers on any aspect of maritime psychology and general psychology. We also accept the topic of Psychology, Maritime Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Educational Psychology, Industry Psychology, Sport Psychology, Positive Psychology. We welcome papers on theoretical and applied subjects of the whole spectrum of psychology.

The accepted papers will be published twice a year. This journal is open access, and free for readers. There is no any author fee for processing and publishing papers.

JURNAL PSIKOLOGI POSEIDON has no limitation date of submission. All received manuscripts will be reviewed directly, and the priority is based on the date of the received manuscript. Whenever quota for current edition is fulfilled, another selected manuscript will be published for the next edition.

Jurnal Psikologi Poseidon invites writers, practitioners, and researchers to submit and publish scientific articles to this journal on topics related to the field of maritime psychology and general psychology, both theoretical and applied. Articles are accepted in Indonesian and English. Articles that are decided to be accepted will be published in Jurnal Psikologi Poseidon twice a year. This journal is open access which is free for readers, and there are no fees charged to the author in processing and publishing articles.

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Current Issue

Volume 7, Nomor 2; November 2024
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